Upstyle @ Dutch Design Week 2014

Posted on: 2014-10-16

Come to see us at the Circular Economy Hotspot of the DDW 2014, we are there with an exhibition + a workshop on thursday 23.

The CE Hotspot is supposedly the biggest circular economy event EVER, and they went all crazy with an eight day programme of 150 speakers, plus exhibitions. You will not regret it.

In the space Upscaling Reuse Design, that we are hosting with Superuse Studios, you will see for yourself:

  • Furniture designed to be produced in series from old furniture.
  • (1) and (2), your main web resources for (1) finding secondary materials and (2) working sustainably with them.
  • The results of our research into used particleboard as a raw material.

Dutch Design Week 2014, CE Hotspot
18-26 October
TOMTOY, Seats2Meet Strijp-S
Torenallee 24, 1th Floor

Lizanne is giving a talk with Jan Jongert (Superuse) about designing with flows and about on thursday October 23, as part of the BNI seminar at the same location, the CE hotspot.

October 23, CE Hotspot, BNI seminar
13.10-14.10 Lecture INSIDE Flows
14.10-14.40 Workshop

More info and applying ->